WHAT TO EXPECT AT CHURCH: If you have never been to our church, or to any church, or it has been a long time, we want you to come and feel welcome. We have greeters at the door who are there to help you feel like you belong, but if you don't want to chat that is okay too! We welcome people regardless of age, ethnic or cultural background, income, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Come on in and see what it is all about.
WHAT SHOULD I WEAR: Wear whatever you would be comfortable out in public in. There is no dress code at our church. If you would wear it to the grocery store it is probably okay here too.
SERVICES: Our Sunday services are the place to start. They begin at 10:00 in the morning, but the coffee is on in the foyer as you come in starting at 9:30. Services last for about one hour and then we have more coffee and usually goodies upstairs in the Fellowship Hall. Follow the crowd or ask someone the way.
CHILDREN: We love kids! If you have children please bring them. We have a children's area off to the side if they would like to colour or draw during the service, and a baby area in the back if you would be more comfortable there.
MUSIC: Our services have music spread throughout. There is a mix of modern and traditional hymns. The congregation will usually stand for the hymns, but it is not required, and you are welcome to sit if you are more comfortable that way. The words to the hymns are always on the powerpoint that is up on the wall.
COMMUNION: We celebrate communion once a month, usually on the first Sunday of the month. We do this to celebrate Christ's final meal with his disciples and celebrate his resurrection. Communion is open to everyone, regardless of denominational affiliation, church membership, or belief. If you do not wish to take part you are also welcome to just remain in your seat during this time.
COLLECTION PLATE: If you are visiting us, you are our guest and we don't expect you to put money in the offering. Of course you are welcome to and we will value all gifts and offerings that we receive. Giving is never compulsory. If you consider this to be your church home, you may give via cash, cheque or through pre-authorized rimittance (PAR).
REFRESHMENTS: We love to eat and fellowship together! After every service there is a time for coffee or tea and refreshments and this is a great time to meet a few people. We often have potlucks or other events on Sundays after church, so check out the events calendar on this website to see if something else is happening on the week you are attending. If you are new you are not required to bring anything to these events - there is always lots to go around.
MORE QUESTIONS: If you have any other questions please ask them! You can call the church office at 250-286-0431 when it is open, or just come on in and ask someone. We will to our best to make you feel welcome and answer any questions you may have.